Monday, September 10, 2007

Piecemeal Bias: Ernie Davis and Justine Henin

EDIT Read this excellent article by Bruce Paine, Colts fan, on how he feels about the news that the Patriots might be cheating. Perhaps the best thing I've read yet on Cobra Brigade.

Although I enjoy sports history, usually I leave such posts to esteemed blogging colleagues like the Pacifist Viking. For once, though, here's a quick post to tell you to look at this story on Ernie Davis. One of the sad stories of professional sports that you probably have never heard of. Can you imagine Jim Brown paired with a Heismann trophy winner in the Browns backfield?

Also, Justine Henin fascinated me during her trophy win at the US Open. To be so successful and yet so short is proof that she has an excellent mind for tennis. I thought it was rather sweet that she moved into the crowd to hug her coach. Finally, I was very pleased she beat Serena Williams (who really annoys me, unlike her sister Venus).

On the other hand, Justine's stare gives me the impression that she is so driven as to be annoying in person, and is probably a perfectionist with little tolerance for failure. There are glimpses of softness here and there in older pictures of Justine, but in the present, I don't see any of that. And what was with that "I'm older" comment when presented the trophy? Justine, you're 25, what do you mean "older"?! You're not allowed to make "older" and "younger" comments in your middle 20's, ok? Thanks for making me feel old.

It's been a while since I've had such ambivalent feelings about an athlete. What do you think? Cheers or Boos for Justine?

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