Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bloggolalia: Filling the Gaps in Sports Blogspace

Hi all. So over the next few weeks, I hope to get to a topic that I've investigated off and on for the last 4 months. The questions I hope to address are, where are the gaps in sports blogspace? What type of content could we be providing that isn't already being supplied? I've already touched on why we need more female and minority bloggers, but there's much more to talk about.

Eventually, we'll also get to a sub-issue that really affects the gaps in the blogspace. Vocationally speaking, what exactly are sports bloggers? We're not exactly journalists, and not exactly fans either. We may be information providers, but since we're biased toward the more salacious information, that's not quite true either. Should we try to hit one of those vocations accurately? Or can we continue to get away with stealing the best of all of them, and still experience increased views and legitimacy? I'm suspicious that the answer to the last question is "no." Stories connected with and Emily Gould's Gawker Stalker adventure in the last weeks have shown that this issue of blogger identity is not going away.

I have been speaking with some bloggers about this via e-mail; if you want to jump into the discussion, feel free. What I would like to do now is get your input on the issues, rather than overwhelm (more like underwhelm) you with my own stored-up thoughts on this. What do you think? This isn't just an academic exercise in identifying undiscovered genus and species. It's about making all of us even more famous (should we wish to be) for the ridiculous amount of time we spend on our blogs, too.


  1. I would disagree that bloggers are not fans. Yes, most of the well-read blogs are gossip and drunken pics and juicy off the field news. If all readers wanted were scores they would all head to espn or si or yahoo or wherever.
    That said, however, there are room for fan recollections. Remember Bill Simmons's first Super Bowl column? A classic. Personally, some of my most fun blogs to write (although from my counter not my most often read) were my Spring Training 07 journal entries. I went to the games and wrote about it from my point of view as a fan. No in-game analysis. No why didn't he throw a curveball to this guy, or why did the manager do this, etc. I complained about parking prices, wrote about missing the top of the first due to traffic, embarrased myself in a radar gun booth, and had a great time sitting in the bleachers watching baseball.
    Although this might not interest the common reader who wants to know who partied on south beach instead of going to practice, years from now I can read what I wrote and say, wow, I had a good time. That is what blogging is about.

  2. I love your posts, MCB. I know I don't comment too often... I'm more or less what I like to call a blog-lurker.

    Anyway, your points of view make me think every time. THAT'S what I love about your blog. You're a thinker and you question things - we need more of those around the blogosphere.

    As far as being a female (minority? I'm 100% Norwegian) blogger goes, it took a LOT of posts and a couple years to get any sort of respect from the male blogging community without showing off my mamms. I know, I know... stupid self-respect.

  3. Thanks for the comment, jordi. I'm not saying we all have to wear the suit and ties and say "allegedly" and "lol" after each joke and accusation. I'm pretty sure people know that Brett Favre really doesn't wear Depends, etc. But I just don't like the constant switching. Bloggers want to be allowed to say and do all the things fans can get away with, but get journalistic credit. Thinking logically, is this really fair of us to demand this? I'm not so sure. Good point, though, about Simmons and how we can mix the fan/journalist sides correctly.

    Sooze, you know I'm a big fan of your blog-lurking. And you keep that self-respect. Those who cannot write good blogs, post pictures. :-p Oh wait, I post a lot of pictures on my site...err, well, you know what I mean. :-)
