Friday, February 1, 2008

Artist of the Week: Beautiful Stranger. TV

I spent a lot of time on the rest of this week's posts, so today's offering is admittedly weak. I'll put up a post this weekend, too (post-dated Monday, I'm weird like that) to make up for it.
My Artist of the Week is Beautiful Stranger.TV , which has a great concept for a business. They walk through the streets of NYC, find stylish folk of all ages and types, and ask them what they buy and do to be so stylish. Then, when Beautiful Stranger posts the video, they link to the web-sites of where people can buy the same clothes and beauty products. See how that works here. So Beautiful can make money from ads and from the traffic they create, I assume.

Anyway, Beautiful Stranger.TV shows you in this clip that nerds can be beautiful too. Doubt me? Watch the video yourself. I got into a mini-debate on whether this is a true nerd or merely a rich spoiled girl playing at nerd-chic. It's close, but I say true nerd. After all, she mentions book reading several times in the clip, and she's a little too naturally awkward to just be pretending, right? Let me know what you think in the comments.


  1. Hmm. This girl seemed natural. She has the Parson's vibe to her - stylish in a low key, nerdy way. Like her glasses are the most stylish item on her (not her shoes or even her bag).

    It is a fun idea. Good find.

  2. Her bag is pretty darn expensive, though. Balenciaga ain't cheap (neither are Oliver Peoples glasses, either, if my sunglasses are any indication). She's got some money. But, I don't think she's pretending about her personality or anything. She's the kind of nerd that you'd see in a movie, just waiting for the hot guy to take some bet and make her over to show everyone the beauty underneath, which was never really hard to see to begin with.

  3. I'm a hot guy! Call me, Erin R! hahaha. But you're right, I could completely see her in an "Ugly Betty" type role. When I post pictures of women on this blog, I enjoy selecting pictures and videos that bring out unnoticed and overlooked beauty and personality. Erin R fits that profile perfectly.
